Jackie Trenavin BSc (Hons) MSc
Feeling frazzled, run down, anxious, stressed or fully burned out? It's all too common as we stretch ourselves ever thinly in a world with seemingly endless demands and needs.
I am a Life and Health Coach specialising in supporting people through times of deep stress, anxiety and burnout.
I am now, to my clients, what I needed for years when I tried unsuccessfully to make significant change in my personal and professional life and find balance and a healthy way to approach my own health and wellbeing. I have suffered personally with stress, anxiety and full blown burnout. I know how it feels when it seems like you have lost control, like your life has been hijacked, and I've successfully not only found my way back, but rebuilt myself and my life, to be better, balanced and more resilient than ever before.
What's more, I would confidently and comfortably say that these dark and challenging experiences are the best thing that could have happened to me. I wear my experiences like a badge of honour, as I believe we all should.
I was once in the same place as you are now, I understand you may feel daunted at the prospect of coaching. Whilst I motivate and mentor, my programme is always led by you and is at your pace, you will feel fully in control.
​I am here to help you see where you are now is not where you need to be. It's all part of a rich journey that you will be able to look back on with gratitude.​
I offer concessions to a select clients that may be unable to otherwise access coaching so please do get in touch.
What's your story?​
Jackie Trenavin
The Mindful Body Coach​​​​​​
"The first wealth is health"
Ralph Waldo Emerson